Travis Ball, originally from California, came to First Baptist via an interesting road. He was working as a Sign Language Interpreter in the education system, and attended First Baptist Parsons regularly. He helped lead a group for some time, while the church was in search of a new pastor. As he led this group he found enjoyment in his time studying and preparing for Sunday mornings, and realized that he wanted more time to do so. When a member from the Search Committee asked him if he would be interested in putting in his profile for the position, Travis thought long and hard, but then ultimately decided to do so. During the lengthy Search and Call process, the Search committee felt that doors were being closed as they came close to calling a pastor several times, yet none of them worked out.
After Travis put in his profile, the Search committee met with Travis numerous times for countless hours, which is not something they had the opportunity to do with the others, and decided to extend the call. Travis prayed over this call and decided to accept.
Travis is in the process of becoming ordained, and is thoroughly enjoying his time studying the word as well as all of the other pastoral duties he has learned about in his short time as pastor of this church.
Travis and his wife Katrina moved to Kansas in 2011, only 6 months after they were married! Their family including their son, Bennett, and their daughters, Brooklyn and Blakely live on a small farm the edge of town with their cats, dogs, and livestock.
Travis' life verse is Micah 6:8 "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."